Hey, I´m on Patreon…

This has been a long time coming and there’s been a few who have asked about it and after much consideration i decided to create a page on Patreon for those who want to support me and the 3D printing related projects i do.

Buying time

I hope that over time this can open up a small window of time to enable me to spend more time doing what i love, creating 3D printing projects. So if you want, i  invite you to join me on this journey and let´s see where it will take us because we are in it together, like a family!

What´s in it for you

Obviously i will continue doing this anyway using the time i have at hand and the designs will always be open and free as they are now. The idea is that the Patreon page will give you some kind of previews of upcoming projects, videos, pre-release of design files and other 3D printing related content etc. There will be more pledges added that will offer the different levels of access to rewards in terms of content, files etc. Everyone is welcome to join the family and if not that´s cool too! =)

Check out my Patreon page here.

Categories: OpenRC
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