Reality Check – 3D-printing

I was invited to speak about 3D-printing at a one day seminar in Stockholm hosted by Dataföreningen Kompetens. The seminar…

My print-in-place wrench found it´s way to 3ders.org

3ders.org highlights my print-in-place wrench released about two weeks ago, cool stuff! Check it out at the 3ders.org website!  

3D printed “Print-In-Place” Wrench

After watching the infamous video from a few years back where Z-Corp prints a fully working wrench i decided i…

Interview in Swedish newspaper Göteborgs Posten

Swedish Newspaper Göteborgposten approached me and asked if i´d be interested in doing a short story about 3D printing. You…

RCCarAction.com features OpenR/C Truggy

My 3D Printed OpenR/C Truggy has had it´s fair share of attention and the latest addition to the list of…

Files for the OpenRC Touring car released

The OpenRC Touring car was my first attempt at creating a 3D-printable R/C car. All the files for the OpenRC…