11 years later in 2011 when the RepRap project had been going for a few years i found the MakerBot Thing-O-Matic 3D printer and it was love at first sight, i ordered one on the spot. It came as a kit and i built it over a weekend with my dad.
Long story short
Owning a 3D printer has been exactly like or even more than i could ever dream it would be. As someone who enjoyed making things using whatever tools made available to me this technology certainly opened new doors in terms of what i could make. It wouldn´t be completely wrong to say that my life changed on that day back in 2011. I have been able to materialize so many ideas that i couldn´t imagine just a few years earlier. Who could have thought that an entire community with thousands of engaging members would emerge from something that i made. Or that my designs would be used to promote not only the technology but the companies and people i look up to. And that a simple test design i did for work would become one of the most printed designs in the industry.
5 years of 3D printing in 2 minutes
So how does one tell a story like that in 2 minutes. I have no idea but i have tried to compile some footage of some of the projects i have done thru the years in a showreel style video. Unfortunately i´m not a video guy so it might not be Oscar material but i hope that my love of this amazing technology comes thru in this video and maybe, just maybe someone get´s inspired to start their own journey!