OpenRC Touring Car

Files for the OpenRC Touring car released

The OpenRC Touring car was my first attempt at creating a 3D-printable R/C car. All the files for the OpenRC Touring car are now released and available to download for free. You can get them on sites like Thingiverse.

Featured on TechCrunch

TechCrunch features the 3D-printed OpenRC Truggy

For those unfamiliar with TechCrunch, it´s a tech media website reviewing new Internet products, tech news and more. Massive following TechCrunch has a huge reach and have for example more than 1.5 million followers on Facebook so having something featured on TechCrunch is pretty awesome! I sent them a email about the new project, the …

OpenRC Truggy

OpenRC 1:10 4WD Truggy Concept RC Car finally released!

Finally after much blood sweat and tears i have released the files for the OpenRC Truggy, the second car in the lineup of 3D-printable opensource R/C cars. This time i have designed most of the components from the ground up, taking into consideration things like printability ease of modification and of course durability! Download the …