Top5 Printed Objects

Number 4 on Thingiverse!

CNET just published another Top 5 and this time it´s 3D-printed objects on Thingiverse. This list is based on numbers of likes, collections and downloads on the Thingiverse website. And according to this list i´m the creator of the fourth most popolar “thing” on Thingiverse and it´s my print-in-place wrench. Pretty cool considering there´s probably …

Featured on 3dprintingindustry

“Look How Far the 3D Printed OpenRC Project Has Come” just featured a new article about the progress ia have done on the OpenRC Project over the last 2 years. It´s been a ride and i´ve had my fair share of both failure and success. Currently the Truggy holds up pretty good even to the extent that i feel satisfied and will focus more on other projects. Read …